The Ecumenical and Interfaith Committee seeks to bring an authentic ecumenical and interfaith spirit and understanding to the ongoing renewal of the secular Franciscan Order. In the Spirit of our Lord and our beloved St. Francis, we seek to foster the ministry of reconciliation in every part of our fraternal life, and, thereby, witness to the world our unique Franciscan charism and our prophetic witness to the unity of all creation.
The Ecumenical and Interfaith Committee's focus is to encourage and empower fraternal relationships through reflective, responsible, and respectful dialogue with our ecumenical and interfaith sisters and brothers. Our Rule and Constitutions and the documents of the Church provide us guidance in this endeavor.
Our task is thus to be an instrument of unity and understanding for the Franciscan family. Therefore, we challenge each other to bring a Franciscan focus to the ministry of unity through our intentional and continual building of ecumenical and interfaith relationships.